Health & Fitness in Wakefield

Browse our Wakefield directory for businesses and orgranisations relating to Health & Fitness in Wakefield. Our directory is new and currently expanding to provide more Wakefield Health & Fitness listings. If you represent a Wakefield business or organisation, you can get listed in our directory for free - join our network or find out more about our free advertising services.

Wakefield Health & Fitness
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Results 1 to 5 of 5
  • The Centre for Advanced Dentistry Yorkshire

    The Centre for Advanced Dentistry Yorkshire provides a friendly yet professional service in a wide range of dental treatments. With years of industry experience they're always more than willing to...

    14 Navigation Court, Calder Park, Wakefield, West Yorkshire. Tel: 01924 762 002

    The Centre for Advanced Dentistry Yorkshire
  • The Firm Gym

    The Firm Gym in Wakefield is now under new managment with fresh ideas and a goal to produce a fantastic gym which its members will be proud to be part of. We have a wide range of equipment...

    136 Thornes Lane, Wakefield, West Yorkshire. Tel: 01924 200 934

    The Firm Gym
  • FOJEMM Consulting

    FOJEMM Consulting is based in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom. FOJEMM provides research, programme/project evaluation, strategy development and reviews, monitoring and evaluation support...

    47 Potter Avenue, Lupset, Wakefield, West Yorkshire. Tel: 01924 689 029 or 07842 777 688

    FOJEMM Consulting
  • Lynne Cole

    I am a qualified therapist, EMDR Consultant, CBT and NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist and a member of the GHR to which I adhere to their code of ethics and therefore you can be assured of...

    15 Margaret Street, Wakefield, West Yorkshire. Tel: 07766 760860

    Lynne Cole
  • Olive Massage

    Olive Massage are a massage specialist who focus on results, whether that is to remedy sporting injuries, aches and pains, or just simply to relax and de-stress. You can either visit us at our...

    10 Andrew Street, Wakefield, West Yorkshire. Tel: 07711 633512

    Olive Massage
Results 1 to 5 of 5
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